It is often argued that educators have greater responsibility and accountability in developing sustainable growth with cognitive and social aspects, Scientific approach in students to make nations and creates healthy environment of human beings. Comparatively with parents' intention for bright future of their kids. I absolutely agree with this notion, as teacher are well-trained for teach formal lessons. Aside from that, school is the best place for children to socialize and make more friends and familiar friendly creates the ecosystem.

Woman and Dog

Our Facilities


Classrooms With Interactive Promethean Boards


Information & Communication Technology Labs 

Pet Housing

Makers Room For Design Thinking & Project Based Learning

Dog Walking

Outdoor Football Field, Basketball Court


Indoor Sports Hall


Indoor Multipurpose Hall 

Pet Housing

Dedicated Science Lab

Dog Walking

Shaded Outdoor Play Areas 


Grand Libraries


Science Art Lab 

Pet Housing

Art, Music And Drama Room 

Our Vision

The Institution envisages to planer a movement seeking to reintegrate Indian culture, by the application of the modern critical apparatus to its anxiety to preserve the heritage that is useful with its present circumstances. Finding ourselves in an era of liberalization, optimism and a virtual revolution, nobody can cast a blind eye toward proper education. It is the time of realizing those visions, that the social reformers and the nationalist leadership longed for implement in reality in the dawn of the twentieth century. That was an era of idealism, this one is of implementation. Our earnest hope is that realizing and absorbing the brighter rays that Education provides. The scholar will be enlightened and the meaning of education itself be expressed by its vivid revelation through the students.


Our Mission

Co provides a cost-effective base for pursuing comprehensive education program, to develop academic knowledge and skill along with essential ingredients of entrepreneurial attitude and orientation.

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 To create related opportunities and activities for generating innovation and excellence. 

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 We believe that a child is like a plant that needs proper nurturing to enhance spontaneous and well-rounded growth. 

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To provide sound and all-round education through the medium of English.

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We believe that no matter what the background of a child may be, each students has tremendous potential that needs to be unearthed and brought to the forefront.

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Our aim is to produce a responsible global citizen whose potential we have unleashed and who has a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and values essential to face the challenges of the modern world.

Our Mentors Message


Education is the basis of all progress. Its purpose is to inculcate humanitarian values, wisdom, compassion, courage and reliability in students. Academic excellence along with active participation in co-curricular activities complete the process of education and it gives me immense pleasure that the school is progressing in all its endeavors towards the overall development of the students. The seeds of an idea sown in 2016 have quickly grown into strong saplings. The school has marched forward to spread the light of education and pave the path of excellence for every student. It is heartening to see the achievements of the students and the school's progress throughout the year.

I hope the school graduates will become leaders of their chosen fields and contribute positively towards the progress of our nation and of humanity at large.

May the beacon of truth and knowledge show us the right path.

Principal : Mr. S.K. Jaiswal

"Education is a liberating force and, in our age, it is also a democratizing force, cutting across the barriers of caste and class, smoothing out inequalities imposed by birth and other circumstances."

THE IAS VILLE continues to up hold traditional values which adopting contemporary infrastructure and pedagogies our approach is students cantered and goes beyond textbook, class rooms and boundaries, students develop partial skill enabling them to apply there learning to unfamiliar situations and think critically about different issue the core of the school education's philosophy modern education and cultural heritage one complementary and help the students became better citizen.As we embark on a new journey, we reiterate our pledge to work in unison to shape the young learners into fine human beings.Dear parents I welcome you to a part partnership which aims at molding our children in such a way that they become the true global citizens of India.

"With the paradigms of education every changing, let lake the arc of history in our lends and build a better and safer tomorrow in imaginative and innovative way"